Theatrum Orbis Terrarum can be found on the Steam Workshop. When playing like this, you can really imagine yourself as a feudal lord reviewing his personal map, deciding where to conquer next. Some players may be looking for more subtle modifications to their game. You can start questing for these artifacts hereor on the Steam Workshop.

Unfortunately, the system was a little lacking, but this mod gives it a great boost. Previously, Paradox updated the game to allow characters to find and create interesting and powerful artifacts and items, like the Holy Grail. Sketchy Cheat Menu is available on the Steam Workshop here.

Please note: Some mods may not yet be updated to the most current version of the game, and may require an older patch. Their most recent expansion, Holy Fury, has left many fans of the series happy to resume their Viking conquest of the world, but some might be tired of the regular game.